Unlock Your Dream Home with New Decade - New Home

– Your Guide to Smart Property Purchases!

Unlock Your Homeownership Journey with 'New Decade - New Home'

There are so many parts to purchasing a residential property. Buying your first home or upsizing or downsizing your current residents? Are you buying a property to generate "Generational Wealth"? Of course, the process can be exciting for you or quite confusing. "New Decade - New Home" is here to help by offering educational opportunities. You will learn the beginnings of the home-buying process through informational in-person and online workshops and online videos.

Experts from various fields (lender, realtor, home inspector, and others) can assist you in getting the most information that you can use.

Did You Know That There Are More Than

12 Steps To Home Buying?

To Successfully Navigate The Home Buying Process You Need To Have A Working Knowledge Of each these

12 Important Steps.

You can get this knowledge FREE with our

Home Buyer University. Enroll today!

Complete the free online course to receive money savings offers

from each of our partners that you can use throughout

your homebuying journey.

Upcoming Events!

We will be holding our first LIVE In-Person Event on July 27, 2024

Click Here to get your personalized notification of the next event.

Previous Events Gallery

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Embark on your homeownership journey with New Decade - New Home, a comprehensive program providing valuable insights and education for first-time buyers, those seeking to upsize, or those aiming to create generational wealth through property investment.

Upcoming Events

- Home Rehabibitation In-Person Event

- Contractor 201 Webinar

- Explore the World of Rehab Loans

Contact Us

Phone: 313-799-3760

Email: seminar@newdecadenewhome.com

© New Decade New Home